MMORPG: The Elementalist

Chapter 332 - Who’s Ambushing Whom?

Chapter 332: Who’s Ambushing Whom?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Behind that modest slope, the eight Demon Faction players remained in their hiding spot. They nervously watched the group of three dozen Angel Faction players, who were waiting just beyond the sparse little grove.

Unaware that they had already been spotted, they continued their whispered discussion regarding their chances of a successful ambush—while the player controlling one of the powerful summoned monsters was offline, should they seize the moment and strike?


Just as their Bandit peeked out for another look, he yelped in surprise. Four of the Angel Faction players had moved away from the group, each one moving in a different direction, as though searching for something.

This unexpected turn of events had the Bandit on high alert!

“What’s happening?” Black Mask asked, sensing trouble.

Without looking back, the Bandit replied, “Some of them have started moving around. I think they’re exploring the area.”

Even as he said this, the Bandit felt that something was out of place. He stared hard at one of the Angel Faction players as well as that enormous monster they controlled. His body stiffened, and he hastily motioned for the others to get down.

As one, all seven of his teammates ducked low behind cover.

“What is it? Were we spotted?” his teammates asked anxiously.

“No, but believe it or not, there’s an Elementalist standing on the shoulder of his summoned monster.” The Bandit craned his neck to keep sight of this oddity, while he described it to his fellows. “Level 50 Miniboss, Amethyst Orc—that Elementalist probably summoned it with a Sealed Mana Core—over five meters tall, approaching from our left.”

The Bandit measured the human-orc combination with his eyes, then turned around to survey their own position. He urgently hissed, “Damn it, he’s too high up! We’re about to be spotted—what should we do?”

Hearing this, Black Mask said, “Describe the Elementalist.”

“...He’s got his Barrier up! Wait, I can look up some details on him... What? He’s just some noob: Level 41, Aquamancer.”

As the Bandit provided this information, Black Mask and the others gave a start. “Are you absolutely sure? A Level-41 Aquamancer toting around a summoned Level 50 Miniboss?”

“There’s no mistake!”

The Bandit observed the scene intently. The human-orc pairing had already come within 60 m of them, and everyone was now speaking in hushed voices through their Party Channel.

Even if the players were low in level, the addition of a Tier 5 Miniboss made them a match for three max-level Field Commanders. They were not to be taken lightly.

However, he soon regained his nerve when Black Mask swiftly composed a battle plan.

“Bandit, circle them from behind!

“I’ll work with Big Snake to draw the Amethyst Orc’s attention, while the rest of you hit the Aquamancer with everything you’ve got.

“Move out!”

At his command, the Bandit bounded across the hillside like a hare, silently moving around to get behind the Amethyst Orc.


With his feet in the crystal clear water of the bubbling brook, Qin Ruo’s Elemental Perception informed him of every move the Bandit made, as well as the other seven Demon Faction players who were huddled behind that slope.

When his eyes fell upon a broadsword wreathed in crimson light...

...Legendary quality!

Although he was prepared for anything, this sight caused Qin Ruo’s heart to race faster. He drew a deep breath of cold air.

Damn it! This was a problem.

Although he had been perfectly confident a moment ago, Qin Ruo was actually relying on the Amethyst Orc’s speed and strength for protection, in addition to the extra 1,000 HP provided by the Great Tree Sap. The Special Roasted Snails were still providing their benefit to him as well, raising his Elemental Affinity by 5% and Intelligence by 20, so his Magic Attack was on par with that of a max-level Tier 4 player.

Furthermore, he was luring them to fight him in his own element, holding position right over the running water. Even if they were all Field Commanders, he expected this to be a piece of cake—what more with the Bandit Assassin backing him up, not to mention the endless delights that Poochie could bring.

Nonetheless, since they had a player who had gotten his hands on Legendary Equipment, the situation was completely different!

A weapon like that could be likened to Dark Gold Equipment with additional enchantments, except with greater base damage. That player could possibly be equal in might to their own Amethyst Orc!

Faced with such opposition, while he and Fateless still had to deal with the other seven enemies, each one well-equipped and battle-seasoned...

... it was hard to say if their victory was imminent, or if they were about to be slaughtered like lambs.

However, if they could not even stand against a small group like this, they had no chance of making it through the fifth level of the Graveyard of the Gods. What would happen if they ran into an enemy party with a Tier 5 Supreme Champion?

Gritting his teeth, Qin Ruo resisted the urge to sound a retreat, instead, he ordered the Amethyst Orc to keep advancing.

Then, he heard Fateless speaking beside him, “Never mind that Bandit behind us—I’ll take care of him.” He could not have said it any clearer: All Qin Ruo had to do was handle the other seven in front.

“Okay!” Qin Ruo replied calmly, careful not to betray any outward movements.

Although he did not know how Fateless detected the enemy Bandit’s impending attack from behind, he had heard the absolute conviction in his partner’s tone.

Now was the time. The Amethyst Orc moved as if it had just noticed the enemy.

At that moment, when it appeared that the Amethyst Orc had finally noticed the enemies hiding behind the slope, seven players rolled out from their cover 30 m away, their figures highlighted in red. Five of them moved like lightning, dashing to close the distance from their target!

Halt! Bows ready, loose arrows!

Two Bowmasters launched their attacks with incredible deftness!

Barely a heartbeat behind them, two Elementalists unleashed the spells they had been holding at the ready!

Like a pack of bloodthirsty hounds, a Berserker, Summoner, and Swordmaster charged in under the covering fire of the Bowmasters. Then they split apart like forked lightning, circling around to attack Qin Ruo from multiple directions!

The seven of them worked together in perfect harmony, not the tiniest flaw found in their teamwork.

This was particularly true of the combined strike from the Bowmasters and Elementalists: the sudden volley of basic arrow shots, although worth no damage at all, were delivered so suddenly and viciously that even Qin Ruo was taken aback.

If he had not been prepared to receive their ambush, those two arrows flying straight at him would have thrown him into a helpless panic. Then the spells following after could very well have struck him down utterly.

After that, the fight would have been over for him in a matter of moments!

To their chagrin, however, Qin Ruo reacted instantly. Not only did the Bowmasters’ shots have no effect on him at all, when their Elementalists unleashed their fully-charged Tier 4 attack spells, Qin Ruo cast his own spell in response at the same time.

“Lycan Barrage!” he roared.

There was a great sloshing of water from the nearby brook as the foaming white water wolf rose up and plummeted, whistling through the air at the two Demon Faction Elementalists who were now quailing in terror.

In order to conceal their presence from Qin Ruo, both of them did not have their Barriers up, and they were as defenseless as babes. Caught in the middle of casting their own spells, Qin Ruo’s attack hit them full-on.

Without the protection of their defensive magic, a direct hit from Qin Ruo’s Lycan Barrage dealt 270 damage to them...

Bang! Bang!

...and hurled their bodies through the air.

Although they ought to be on the level of Field Commanders, because they had misread the situation, the predators now became the prey.

“Idiots!” Seeing the notification of his two comrades being instantly slain, Black Mask howled in fury. He was already within 15 m of the target. Using his Charge skill, he rushed towards the culprit.

They had fallen for it!

He must have known all along that they were there, otherwise, how could he have responded so swiftly? The moment he came under attack, he instantly responded with a fatal blow on their most vulnerable Elementalists.

‘Damn it all!’

Cursing in his heart, he yearned to crush the arrogant Level 41 Aquamancer before him right away. In the blink of an eye, they had lost two Field Commander ranged attackers. They had been under his command the entire time. Driven by humiliation and a lust for vengeance, there was no way for him to stop anymore.

However, there was someone moving faster than him!

Having fused with an Agile-Type Pet, the Summoner known as Beastmaster resembled an actual cheetah, sprinting with both hands and feet on the ground. So, he was already within 10 m of the enemy—the first to arrive before the Amethyst Orc.

Alas, if the attack had been performed alongside effective supporting fire, it might have had some real impact.

Instead, the moment the Elementalists fell... it was already the end for them.

All the Summoner was doing now was rushing to his own demise.

The Amethyst Orc turned, lifting both of its arms high into the air. Shortly after, it slammed its fists into the ground with a resounding thud!

Amethyst Burst!

The Demon Faction Field Commanders were then completely shocked by what the Amethyst Orc did next.

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