The Female Cultivator In The World Of Men

Chapter 117 - Master Yi Feng: Training In Isolated Dimension

"Damn!" Le Fang Ling cursed out just as she was engulfed by the light emitting from the jade locket. The whole room was illuminated by the glow of the jade locket exactly like how it had when they had teleported to the top of the hill.


\'Here we go again,\' Le Fang Ling thought with a dead pan expression. She was already used to the event of her getting teleported to somewhere else without any warning beforehand.

\'Another episode of getting whisked away,\' she thought as the entire surrounding around her got blurry and fuzzy.

When the light finally disappeared, the room was completely empty with only the cultivation manual scroll that was lying on the table right beside the bed.


While the room became silent and empty, another empty space was suddenly occupied by two humanoid figures who appeared out of thin air.

"And here we are!" Le Fang ling exclaimed as her feet touched the ground of the dimension they had appeared in.

"And I am here too," Nagina said with a huff as she rubbed her arms.

"Seems like we are in an isolated space that belongs to someone," Nagina said as she observed the surrounding. It seemed to her that they were not in the twin star continent anymore, or they could be still on the planet, she had no idea as the composition and arrangement of this entire place was kind of complicated.

Le Fang Ling nodded her head as he got herself familiar with the surrounding. She was sure it was not a dangerous teleportation as the cause of the teleportation was the jade locket that was given to her by master Yi Feng.

"Oh, I teleported with this," she was a little taken aback when she saw that she still was holding the jade locket in her hand securely, as if her life depended on it.

She was low-key thinking about the jade locket lying on the floor once they were whisked away here.

"Turns out I am wrong huh," she thought to herself as she took a step forward. She started to scour the area while putting her necklace around her neck. She did not want to lose it.

She started to gather idea of the place she was at.

The place they were at was darker than the rest of area with only a dim light at the end of the place they were at. So, from the looks of it, they were inside a cave of some sort.

"Well, at least it\'s not somewhere dangerous," she sighed as she thought about all the unexpected turn of events she had faced upon arriving in this place.

"Let\'s go," she grabbed hold of Nagina\'s wrist before moving forward. Just as she had taken about 3 steps, she felt that something was wrong.

She halted on her step and so did Nagina. Both of them indeed felt there was something wrong with this place.

"This place is too quiet," she said while looking around cautiously. She felt as if she was going to get deaf just because of this eerie silence.

"But, why isn\'t our voice either echoing or reverberating?" she thought as she looked around the empty cave, or the cave she thought was *empty*.

"This is suspicious," she mumbled, her voice getting lower and softer until it was only a whisper. Since it was dark, she had no idea whatsoever was around her. The only source of light she had was the light that was emitting from the jade locket but that was also not enough for it to help her see around the cave.

The only thing she was sure of was the person whose hand she was holding. To secure the hold, she tightened her hold on her wrist as she was afraid that the dark and the eeriness of the cave might confuse things.

Even if they were to separated, they could easily find each other with the help of the soul connection they had.

\'Hey, Nagina, can you hear me?\' she asked telepathically, hoping to get some sort of answer from her.


She got no reply of any sort.

\'Hmm, this is weird,\' she thought about how Nagina too had quieted down. She did not even reply to her inside her head.

She figured she had no choice but to face her. So, she turned around to look at her left side, where Nagina was walking right beside her.

As soon as she looked to her side, she was met with a pair of red eyes that were staring back at her with eyes full of malice and hostility.

Red eyes, those were the eyes color of Nagina, there was no doubt about it. But, those eyes were not hers!

They were spooky and they had pure malice and hatred on them.

Now that she thought about it, she felt there was something wrong with the hand she was holding. Nagina had much smoother skin than the skin she felt on the wrist she was touching.

It felt weirdly smooth but in a way that was not happy to touch. It felt eerie!

She hurriedly let go of the hand she was holding and reflexively stepped back by two or more steps. Her body had the strength and agility to be precise and quick about this. She had to thank the vigorous training she spent on her body and also the martial arts that she had learnt form the memory of the previous owner of the body.

After she got at a safe distance from the whoever that red eyes beast or creature was, she focused all her qi on increasing her vision in the dark and also her hearing so as to catch even the slightest movement or anything that was going on around there.

She made herself as flexible and conscious as she could so that she would be able to react on time if she was to be attacked by it.

\'Is that a human? Or a beast?\' she wondered when she saw the silhouette of the creature whose hand she was holding in the dark, thinking it to be Nagina.

She was kind of worried about Nagina but she knew better that she was alright. She did not have to worry about her. She could find her later as she could still sense their soul connection. It was weak, as if some kind of barrier was restricting her from communicating to her.

She is fine! That\'s all that matters.

She sighed as she shifted all of her attention on the creature before her. In the dark, she could see the monstrous size of the creature. It had a humanoid shape and a horn on its head, making it look bigger and scarier than it really was.

The red eyes did the trick to make it look even more appalling and repulsive.

Le Fang Ling waited in anticipation for the creature to start moving and attack her.

Time passed normally but to Le Fang Ling it felt like an eternity as she waited for the creature to do something instead of just staring at her like some hungry monster.

Just when she was starting to get tired of waiting, she started to feel a little dizzy. She felt her gut turning and tossing in her stomach. Nausea, that\'s what she felt at that moment. Even her vision was staring to get blurry.

Her whole body started to palpitate and wobble as she stood.

She felt as if she was being eaten up from inside without leaving anything. Her first guess was that the god damn creature was responsible for it.

And she was not wrong.

She quickly figured out what the hell was happening with her.

No wonder the whole cave felt empty. It was even devoid of sound.

And now, all this strange symptoms, it reminded her of the time in earth when she had a severe reactions to a physics experiment that she was doing.


She shook her head to remove the dizzying ringing sound that was inside her head.

Without wasting her time, she immediately cut off the surrounding space around her to isolate herself from anything and everything, including sound.

As soon as she had covered herself with her qi and placed a barrier around her to make a separate place inside. Although her qi control was exceptional, creating a separate space was still hard for her.

Thinking that his prey has weakened, the beast moved towards Le fang ling with heavy steps. Its low grunt was the only thing that resounded in the place along with the heavy thuds of the feet.

As soon as it was near her, it raised its huge bear like paws and slammed down at her with all its might.

"I won\'t be able to hold on much longer," she thought as she nimbly jumped over to the other side when she sensed a fist approaching her. She did not know the area well, but she could easily support herself on the stony and uneven ground.

She had nothing she could use as a weapon and she was sure, her fist was not going to be enough to take the prey down.


A loud roar echoed in the cave as the infuriated beast looked at the missed prey of it\'s jumping around like a grasshopper. It felt as if it was being mocked by a mere prey of his.

With another growl, it rushed towards Le fang ling, breathing out smoke from its mouth which was as red as its eyes, if not redder.

"Uh oh, here he comes again," Le fang Ling let out a worried sigh as she looked at the bear like horned creature rushing towards her like a long lost lover.

She straightened her palm and made a sharp blade like weapon from wind as she waited for the beast to some within her range.

Today, either she was going down or it was!

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